Friday, May 2, 2008

Wedding Cecilia

27th Jan 2008 , I was invited to my Uni mate's wedding dinner, Cecilia; that nite me, lynn and deric went over to attend the dinner located at Tropicana Golf Resort; That was the grand wedding venue whereby it's just located in the golf ; While on the way driving in the resort, there're so many of the bungalows, resorts just next to corners , was asking myself " dreaming when i'll get 1 for my self? " haha... dreaming... too bad that I brought my digi cam without battery which I was too rush left over at home umm...

Enjoy the following photos yea~ :)

The night before Cecilia's wedding, taken at her's house with at the back peggy, next to me hui fen and ...cant remember her name already :P

~ 3 cool uni mates - me, lynn & the bride Cecilia ~

~ Lynn & me ~

~ Bride Cecilia & me ~

~ That was a nice ending for the dinner, blessing the couple happy forever ~

Bangkok Trip 2008

Bangkok, a wonderland for everyone. I was supposed to update this blog earlier at end of Jan however it was delayed till today due to in conjunction of CNY, work, etc and etc ; hehe ...

Read the following by clicking below

Saturday, January 5, 2008

New Born Baby ~ Full Moon 01.01.08

" I'm the King of this Blog ... hehehe", opps daddy, give me have a taste of the yummy White Chocolate cake, please .... "

My little handsome nephew full moon's celebration falls at 01.01.08 which we made it earlier supposingly should be 03.01.08, we chosen this date in order to convenient for everyone. I woke up earlier as mentioned at previous blog, busy for the whole days as cleaning up some tables to fill up all the foods, red coded eggs, cakes, some light buffet foods such as curry chicken, mee hoon with tomatoe sauce and normal, yellow glutinous rice, boxes of cakes for friends and relatives which we ordered it, and some red & green coded kueh (in hokkien as "ang ku") which any festive season which we always pray with it.

Look at the below photos shows ... all the foods placing on the table, yummy... just waiting for everybody to be here :) Well, this is just the small gathering for our families for both side, no others than our relatives yea.

Happy Full Moon cakes from KL; Boxes and boxes of cakes going to send out for friends and relatives lol . . . and tables of foods placing on.

Nice packing Full Moon cakes from Muar Yong Sheng Confectionery yea :)

Red coded eggs, ang ku can't be short of for every full moon baby, its a must lol ~

Tomato Meehoon, Soya Sauch Meehoon, Roasted Chicken & spring rolls, Secret Recipe White Chocolate Cake . . .

It's 1 month old! gotta cut cut your hair & your nail lol, first cut for the nail and hair in his life when he's in the sweet nap, so busy for the daddy and mummy ya~

"Daddy so concentrating and carefully cutting the nail for me, so touching " haha.., give you 3~!

This day was so busy for everybody including packing up, cleaning, enjoying the foods, snap shot for the day of his full moon yea~~ including the both families of parents praying here and there. As usual la especially for my mum, however, they can't make it to come and join us only back at hometown sending all the full moon cakes to friends and relatives then.
Happy Full Moon Day, Little Piggy~!!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

BuSy Day

Early in the morning, I've dragging myself up again at 5.45am in order to catch up for my renewal of my international passport at Damansara. Planning to be out at 6.30am however I gotta bunch my hair up; at first, thought i can just by trying one or twice to get it done and neatly, geezzzz.... trying up and down ended up i've done it at 6.45am, I was late 15 mins already. Supposingly should be as below when I was learnt during the Grooming Class, am trying hard to do it, finally i've got it but it was so pain on my head looks like a big stone ...
Fast and quick packing up everything heading to the my destination, its not so hard to getting there by asking around the actual way from my bro and friends, of course through my memories from those streets i've used to passby before. Today was the earliest i've ever drive out myself to a place. Those early birds are on the streets heading to their destination in order to avoid the jam.Reaching Damansara around 7.25am with the fast pace getting to the centre, wah ... long queue man~ in fact i was told by my bro to take the machine faster, however, I queue it for 20 mins and got a no. done at 8.30am, thereafter 2 hours only can collect it. Goosh, when i realized that machine will be faster i've done in fact it's the same procedure just don't need to queue, maybe i'm still Dreaming .. hehe . .

Went over to grab my breakfast and i was hanging around there which is very familiar to me, cause I was there during college time for nearly 2 years time; All the memories flies back in a sudden and seems like yesterday. Went into all the familiar places such as the corridor which we used to study, chit-chat, snap over any handsome/pretty gals around hehe, learning space for it, our classrooms, our registrar, consultant, the place we used to have lunch such as KFC, Dunkin Donut, Pizza Hut, Chicken Rice shop, Roti Man and don't forget Tops yea~! most of the shops still remaining the same wherelse new jobs added up and some changes of the outlook; and the smelly underground street which we used to go for lunch restaurant there, it's closed for the whole underground.

When I was walking around the underground of our campus, i met a guard who usually he'll walking around to check few years back, today I saw him is with a hair of white and with tired looks ... goosh, time flies so fast! I further up to the consultant who we always go for consult from him - Mr. Lau still with the same seat, same look perhaps grow older bit. Had some chit-chat and checking how's the moving on of HELP Institute, didn't catch up much whereby today is orientation day, that's hectic for him to consult for all the parents and student, i've left with a namecard for him as well.

Ummm, 2 hours back i went back to collect the passport and back to office then. My eyes were so sour and pain ... its the old effects as doctor said tired eyes. This morning I woke up early and expose to too much sun causes the suffering of whole day until back at home 9pm. Having training down in HQ and met up with some colleagues are so nice and chit-chat with gals and boys then, time-consuming to catch up for the training yea . . . :(
Will catch up u guys again then gals and boys for yam cha and nice chatting with them.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Day, New Year, New Start - 01.01.2008

New Day, New Year and New Starting from the day of 1st of Jan, 2008 ...

This morning, I woke up early roughly about 8.45am am dragged by the alarm clock whereby I gotta woke myself up~ many things gotta be done coz its the Full Moon day for my little nephew :) --- (The following Blog will be uploaded for his own full moon day yea, am tired now just had a quick type on 2008)

Went over to KLCC met up with my 2 Uni friends for gathering and chit-chatting after 4 months back from our gathering at Merdeka Day. This time we're talking about one of my friend's Cecilia wedding gonna be on at 27th Jan,2008 and time flies so fast, she mentioned. Lots of things gotta be spent on of course, before getting married, $$$$ must be sufficient yea~~~

Since I was in KLCC, dropby in Maxis Centre when I first step in, it was my first time there;there's no one entertaining me and leading me for my enquiry. I've checked it out from the reception and given a copy of waiting number; Called up the number am holding and heading to the counter, however, the lady was just like a BLUE face w/out any greeting and i'm the only one talking about my issues; None of the response of my enquiry, and she was just busy talking with her's male colleague after solving my problems and no "thank you/bye" words at all. What kind of service consultant from Maxis althought it's a public holidays, please do not bringing a glumming face when facing a customer! Maxis, please improve your customer service standard although the network is the biggest or 2nd in m'sia!

Overview of 2007 , there're lots of happy, enjoyable, suffering, sadness, regret and etc memories and stories happened to me . . . Starting the year of 2007, I was hunting for jobs thereafter I've got it and heading down to the current job. Over the years, I've met up with lots of things arised no matters good or bad, especially bad one, I've came across cause am tolerate it. I've struggle for a hard time to fight for it, ended up, nothing goods comes to me perhaps that's not my luck to deserve for it.

That's the most hard time for me to gone through, it hurt me so deep into my heart, am struggle and struggle and struggle . . . . . . finally, i withdraw it out. Its an extremely decision to make. No matter how hard I try,no request of return , ended up am just like a word - ignored.

This is a brand new year starting, all the regrets and sadness will just leave it with 2007 and starting off from 2008 ahead; Am looking forward for the new life path moving forward. Encouragement giving to my dearest sis - Rainie too, let's start it off tgt ahead :) I'll support you always and stay with you all time from my encouragement, let's StrivE for it ! ! !

Monday, December 31, 2007

Uni Mates Gathering

Its the busy day ahead from the very early in the morning starting from the business hours onwards. I've just bringing the path down mood by dragging myself heading to the usual way every morning. Hmmm, a bit glumming after 2 days rest at home and thinking all over again here and as just like looking at the wall and being bored and stared for nothing ...

ummm.... that's the last day of the year, am glumming and chasing some claims for the end of the year whereby due date gonna end else gotta wait for another month lol~ the most most irritating which is a lady who always bringing a ' LV Bag ' which we've named her, whenever she steps into us, free gift is a needs from her else she'll drag herself on the desk and just complaining or nagging and knit her brown to the lowest point. goosh, the most irritating is requested a book of diary by just showing her wherelse she tored it then ended up it's belonging to her ... goosh, hate it and so irritating and can't she stand on our shoes and reflected herself how she's~ (This is just a part of the topic yeah)

The year heading to the year end, this night, I was meeting up with my old Uni's buddies from our next door neighbour Singapore after 3 years we didn't even see each other, that's so long. ~ oopppz almost forgot about the meet up since few weeks ago am sorry Gary & Darren~ However, I did make it by just heading down to KL bringing them by walking distance heading from their's Hotel - Swiss Garden to Pavillion. That's so grand of Pavillion... after it opened since 25th of September,07 I've just first step to there...with my Uni friends..hehee.. It built up with all the grand marble, bright and shining deco. Too bad my little camera its sticked at home with the baby, its ok i'll be able to catch up by next time visiting back there. Photos taken by Gary will be sending me soon whereby his digi cam out of batt, with a "high tech" cam however still able to catch the scene yea ^_=

We had the nice Sushi dinner at Yo-Sushi with a multi-countries worker, we're bringing our empty stomach to wait for the food to be served ,hehe ^_* ; It was a nice meet up with them thought time flies over the 3 years with 1000 plus days by just sometimes we do some sms. Catching up some our memories back at Aus, that's so fun and enjoy. Gary has put on weight for 10kg as he mentioned, he does; Darren looks more mature than before and man; MckY < -- they said i'm slimmer more than before when back in Australia time, tq tq hehe .. :)

Approaching me again heading to sg with them for work umm...this is not the first time been approached from my friends, well ... am just ... -- > LazY to move on whereby my family all around in here; Yes, agree that living cost is much more lower than in M'sia and most important thing is safety, i've tons of friends based in sg now for their life and doing well too erm erm ... just think about it cause I'll miss my little nephew too "sob sob" ...

Hopefully I'd be able to make another trip to visit them again back with all the buddies there since they're back together again hehe, they're all in line of Air Force, Mechanical, Technical, Oil & Gas Engineer cool sounds great yeah and high pay lol~ for those who wants to become an engineer, please study well and perhaps you could get a job from Oil & Gas company as this has been ranked as the top in Engineering line based on the Engineer recommended. Can be considered ya :)

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Love, is just a word

" 不要问天长地久还是曾经拥有。"
" 凡是美好的东西,总该可以有许多种不同形式地存在着。




This is a short dialogue I've grab from net, that's absolutely correct and agree . . .
Memories will be staying in our mind forever especially someone you've ever in love before . . .
That's all about LOVE so long you've ever been in love with him/her, no matters of the timing, that's enough;
I believe that there're lots of couple encounter with this matters perhaps there's lots of hidden matters arised from,hence, ended up you're not belonging to him/her; That's sad as what we normally watch the love movie/drama act as or even cried sadly yeah~

Spell out the opinion about this sentences, it means a lot, right?