Monday, December 31, 2007

Uni Mates Gathering

Its the busy day ahead from the very early in the morning starting from the business hours onwards. I've just bringing the path down mood by dragging myself heading to the usual way every morning. Hmmm, a bit glumming after 2 days rest at home and thinking all over again here and as just like looking at the wall and being bored and stared for nothing ...

ummm.... that's the last day of the year, am glumming and chasing some claims for the end of the year whereby due date gonna end else gotta wait for another month lol~ the most most irritating which is a lady who always bringing a ' LV Bag ' which we've named her, whenever she steps into us, free gift is a needs from her else she'll drag herself on the desk and just complaining or nagging and knit her brown to the lowest point. goosh, the most irritating is requested a book of diary by just showing her wherelse she tored it then ended up it's belonging to her ... goosh, hate it and so irritating and can't she stand on our shoes and reflected herself how she's~ (This is just a part of the topic yeah)

The year heading to the year end, this night, I was meeting up with my old Uni's buddies from our next door neighbour Singapore after 3 years we didn't even see each other, that's so long. ~ oopppz almost forgot about the meet up since few weeks ago am sorry Gary & Darren~ However, I did make it by just heading down to KL bringing them by walking distance heading from their's Hotel - Swiss Garden to Pavillion. That's so grand of Pavillion... after it opened since 25th of September,07 I've just first step to there...with my Uni friends..hehee.. It built up with all the grand marble, bright and shining deco. Too bad my little camera its sticked at home with the baby, its ok i'll be able to catch up by next time visiting back there. Photos taken by Gary will be sending me soon whereby his digi cam out of batt, with a "high tech" cam however still able to catch the scene yea ^_=

We had the nice Sushi dinner at Yo-Sushi with a multi-countries worker, we're bringing our empty stomach to wait for the food to be served ,hehe ^_* ; It was a nice meet up with them thought time flies over the 3 years with 1000 plus days by just sometimes we do some sms. Catching up some our memories back at Aus, that's so fun and enjoy. Gary has put on weight for 10kg as he mentioned, he does; Darren looks more mature than before and man; MckY < -- they said i'm slimmer more than before when back in Australia time, tq tq hehe .. :)

Approaching me again heading to sg with them for work umm...this is not the first time been approached from my friends, well ... am just ... -- > LazY to move on whereby my family all around in here; Yes, agree that living cost is much more lower than in M'sia and most important thing is safety, i've tons of friends based in sg now for their life and doing well too erm erm ... just think about it cause I'll miss my little nephew too "sob sob" ...

Hopefully I'd be able to make another trip to visit them again back with all the buddies there since they're back together again hehe, they're all in line of Air Force, Mechanical, Technical, Oil & Gas Engineer cool sounds great yeah and high pay lol~ for those who wants to become an engineer, please study well and perhaps you could get a job from Oil & Gas company as this has been ranked as the top in Engineering line based on the Engineer recommended. Can be considered ya :)

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Love, is just a word

" 不要问天长地久还是曾经拥有。"
" 凡是美好的东西,总该可以有许多种不同形式地存在着。




This is a short dialogue I've grab from net, that's absolutely correct and agree . . .
Memories will be staying in our mind forever especially someone you've ever in love before . . .
That's all about LOVE so long you've ever been in love with him/her, no matters of the timing, that's enough;
I believe that there're lots of couple encounter with this matters perhaps there's lots of hidden matters arised from,hence, ended up you're not belonging to him/her; That's sad as what we normally watch the love movie/drama act as or even cried sadly yeah~

Spell out the opinion about this sentences, it means a lot, right?

Friday, November 9, 2007


Its one week past over the weekend reaching this weekend again. Week passing and passing, day come to day until today 10th of November, a year gonna end soon! Wondering, why some people will shout like nobody business to someone who they don't even know physically at all cause of the things is not done in the correct way. Yes, agree that they are not happy with the thing is not done accurately, but, please calm yourself before you voice up to people just because of the problems occurs; Everything there's solution it depends on how its going to solve it out from the root cause till the end of the solutions. And do not make people life suffering and throw them to the end of the deep sea no turning point out.

Rich people, showing off by just throwing a stack of thick cash on the table and shouted like hell across the public, ended up he left; Somehow, neutral people like me and you with proper manner checking out through everything and not throwing any tantrum or temper towards the unhappy things, though, an apologize will do towards them and they are satisfied, smile and get away.

The reason for this blog to share my personal opinion towards what I saw since day one till now I join with this financial institution. The work task day to day require to facing with dozen of people in the world. Goosh, can't they control their temper before it spelling out like bush fire to people?

People will show face whenever they are required to do things that they are not willingly to do. Yes, agreeable that but somehow this is the requirement from the institution we're just the employer who work with them, shouted like the home of theirs...goosh!

I think that they need to calm down themselves, relaxing their lifestyle, cooling down all the stress out from their life in order to not to have this kind of attitude. God will help them out yeah!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

East M'sia Trip 6th Sept ~ 10th Sept' 07

6th September'07 – Day 1
The 2nd trip made to East M’sia - Kuching - The Cat City, Sarawak since 2005; Arggh, Air Asia was delayed from 5pm to 7:40p.m... Departing from KL on 7:40p.m flight and touching down in Kuching airport by 9:15p.m;

Luckily my sweet sweet friend CarolYn fetched me up with her cuttie Kelisa , so many thanks to you~ Thereafter, she brought us for our dinner + supper at -> Jalan Song , opphs..left out the photo shoots there kekeke.. the best Teh Si Ping Special” I’ve tried at there, other places not as good as there, must try !

7th September'07 – Day 2
Early in the morning, hop into Carol's car at 8:45am if i'm not wrong, need sometimes to recall back yeah; Heading to my ex-company’s office to meet up with all the past time colleagues; so happening and happy to see them again ... Here you go our group photos with them Hihihi~~ they are funny, friendly and well-warming colleagues , so miss the times working with them .. :)

YooHooo, coming with the nice breakfast with the “BiG BiG MaC Prawn” of Curry Laksa ~ at “Golden Arch Coffee shop”. That's so yummy with the nice “Teh Si Special”, you couldn't get it down in KL with such a good price of RM 5 only; In fact with such a delicious and special taste down in Kuching here!~~~ I miss it! Filling up our hungry stomach and heading towards Semantan with 2 hours drive there, reaching in Palm Beach Resort... oOoOoOoOo... it's raining ~ :( (pulling down our smile) haha, however, the 3 gals didn’t care about the raining, though the scene in the light rainfall there, kekeke..cannot waste it! Since we spent the time and energy heading there for long distance drive huh! Thereafter, we had the Money and Bilin Vegetables, which was my first time trying up the Bilin Vege with belacan paste cooking. Nice Try!
It’s full after taken the late lunch, heading back to the City far for 2 hours; We are soopa tired hence back to hotel for a short nap; The nite was on at “Bla Bla Bla Restaurant” with the sweet and soft light environment; nice music and great foods. Ahha, photo shooting time cannot miss it!
Photos with Jong, Aileen, Carolyn and Allen;

It was so full for the food after having it; Went for short walk beside of “Waterfront”; Nice scenery, ummm… didn’t shoot down the photos. Thereafter, the movie was on of “Naraka”… so scary ne, but it’s a new experience whereby the cinema operating in the different way compare with KL; In KL, movies schedule are showing on the screen of the TV, however, in Kuching movies schedule are showing at the counter; Not bad by watching the movie at the top of the building whereby the cinema located at the top of the floor of 9th.

8th September'07 – Day 3
This morning, we woke up as usual of 8am, so tired; Met up with the rest of them by having the local foods as breakfast, here you goes… YummY again! See see, whosoever heading to East M’sia must try those foods ya, else you’ll regret de … kekeke..

Next destination heading to “Jong’s Crocodile Farm”; Entrance fee with just RM 8 where there are lots of animals such as crawling species, monkeys, peacock, squirrel, sunbear and the various types of Crocodile is the main. There’s a water lily lake side in the middle of the Crocodile farm, full pledge of the water lily, look the Freshy water lily with my snapshot. Snapshot with the big big Cassowary :) ...

Continuously with our next stop “Semenggoh Wild Life Centre”. Don’t forget to have a group photos yeah hehehe.. with our “professional” post hahaha . . . We have our Girls Power and Mens Power who dare who ~ LoL ~ The main purpose to wildlife centre is our dear friend “Orang Utan” Luck was on that we’re able to see the King of this wild life centre, Ritchie the eldest Orang Utan with the aged of 26. Meanwhile of waiting the calling of Ritchie for food feeding, snapshot time with our group photos..ahh, wait wait please focus on the legs of mine (* wink wink full of satisfaction hehe)

We had our late lunch around 5pm somewhere nearby there, light rainfall after Wildlife Centre. Cool, food times again … so special of Lemon Chicken with Mayonnaise Rice, fruits, Rojak that mixed with tofu, bunches of fried wanton and etc, and Mee.

The nite, we went to “Open-Air Food Court” by 2nd time trying the “Siou Bi”, delicious! Another type of Kolok Mee and Beef Noodles (ehhe, beef noodle ordered by Carolyn and Aileen ah not me coz i’m a non-beef ppl)

Our plan for the night was clubbing or sing K; Turning around the city few pubs, ended up we went to a places full of clubby and pubs. So coincidence met up with Carol’s sis having the party there.. cool, we’re invited to join in..ohh, 4 of the old ppl joining all the youngster party yeah.. I guessed we spent more and less about 1 hour plus by just sitting there and looking them how they dance and drink; Think back the age of ours 10’s it was totally different as now… Parties was on now the night still young, later on our friends Allen, Andy, Boss and Ah Teck came lol… oppzzz, due to some issues, all left the dance pool and coming down, no worries…continue with our happening time, a group photos was on and all those funny shooting. Its 1am++ , went to “Petanak” have a quick drink and planning for the next days itinerary, eh, not next day…its later coz we suppose to meet up at 11am morning.

9th September'07 – Day 4
Our itinerary for the day was full… Driving distance of half an hour from Kuching City, we reached “Cultural Village – Kampung Budaya Sarawak” By rushing there sharp at 2pm, though can catch up the shows, who knows that it changed to 4pm, no worries; Driving back to seek for our food again … one thing haven’t try there is seafood, there we goes and reached the “Palm Garden Seafood Restaurant”. The price was so cheap, delicious and very reasonable… again, I tried the “Teh Si Special” and Aileen ordered a special type of Coffee, see the colors ~ Food was on with the Fried Rice, Fried Meehoon, Fried Oyster and Jelly Fish Kewl… :p

Okay, times to drive back by catching the shows; Our trip was on again, I spent RM 60 by getting into this Cultural Village and local just RM 25. At least I got a “PassPort” hehehe they don’t have; That’s why we have to take as much as we can for all the scenery. Here the starting, group photos must have before all, guys and girls posting here and there at every corner we have, it was a very sunny afternoon falls at 3pm ++, full of sweat..:)
Cultural Village offers the unique living museum in there, i.e. all the culture, arts and crafts of the States as many ethnic groups in the 7 hectare site tucked on the foothills of the legendary of Mount Santubong.

There are 7 authentic replicas of the ethnic houses of the major tribes such as Longhouses of Bidayuh, Iban, Orang Ulu, Melanau Tall House and etc, however, due to time-consuming; we’re only able to visit few of the houses. 4pm clock sharp we ran towards the daily cultural performances of songs and dances.

I sat right in front of the show in order to get the good snapshot. At the last performance, I was called up to the stage to blow the traditional weapon. Hahaha . . . it was a great experience to be with them and was given a weapon as gift from the performer.

Day haven’t end yet, while on the way back, passing by the “Cat-Museum” though it’s closed at 5pm. We went up there and had few snapshots that were the great view from the top there to the whole Kuching City. The day was end then we’re so tired and went back to our room have a rest. That was the last night before we packing back to KL…

Hehe, carrying on our photo shoots in our room with Aileen; Pinnacles Lodge, when the 1st nite we reached, we’re shocked that it was on the top of the shop lot; However, when we went in there, there’s escalator for us although it’s just 3 floors up. One thing is we’re carrying our luggage … This is our room which cost RM 110 per nite, the concept comes with the home based, all self-served. For sure, it can’t compare with all those hotels with the cozy rooms, nice facilities. This is more suitable for backpackers like us; It comes with the 1 Queen Size Bed, TV and attached washroom. Pinnacles Lodge was recommend from my friends where they were there few months back, by walking-distance can reach most of the tourist attraction. Not bad ~~~

The very last night, we went to “Rooftop ABC Seafood” located in the middle city for dinner; So many kinds of seafood we had J Moving on from there to somewhere far away takes about 20 mins drive to 4.5 Miles Superstar KTV to sing K which Andy they all usually go for. This was the extra experiences which I ever had. Open air sing K style by dedicating songs follow by tables routine; Every tables will take turn to sing 2 songs with open-air lol… this is the differences between there and KL’s sing K style; I’m so shy to sing yeah..haha..But, with all the monkeys friends, I opened up my voice loud loud with Andy and AhTeck :o) Thereafter, Andy and Allen drove us back, before that we went for a quick drink chit-chat at Open-Air food court.

10th September'07 – Day 5

Very early in the morning, finished up all the packing and Carolyn picked us up again; She took ½ day leave for the purpose to drive us to airport… she was such a lovely and friendly friends I’ve ever had and won’t let any of her friends who go to visit her state getting bored, hug hug my dear friend …:) I went over to ex-com off to send my regards to all my ex-colleagues again haha… get Boss to join us for breakfast yeah :=) Later on Carolyn brought us to her office area which is just 5 mins drive heading to airport. YuHooo…nice foods on again with little burger, tang hoon, mee hoon, roti-telur, pek ke and and tasty ice-lemon tea. My trip with 4 days 3 night past and end heading to airport, after checking in we’re waiting at the Air Asia boarding hall, hihi..snapshot with Aileen and the passing of Air Asia airplane. This was the 1st time I’ve ever on board with Air Asia, Frankly, it was so pack and straight cannot have a good sit, but in terms of money acceptable lah .. hehe ..

Over this trip, am enjoying every moments with all the friends there Carolyn, Allen, Andy, Boss Min Keat, Ah Teck Beauty – from 22 Miles, Jong, Linda … they’ve really spending all the times with us and bring 2 of us West M'sia gals all around the Kuching City. Give you all a big HUG HUG ~~~~ No matters what, anytime being they come over to KL, I’ll be on for them Yeah! Same goes to Cynthia, Winnie, Allan and others though didn’t manage to be with them but many thanks to all you guys …

The next trip to BangKok will be near in January 2008 with my ex-colleague for shopping before Chinese New Year ~ ~ ~ Am looking forward and gotta save more for it!